Springer Nature Research Round-Ups
Empowering research with technology
There simply isn’t enough time to collate relevant literature reviews for your research from the thousands upon thousands of valued research papers that Springer Nature has published over the years.
To solve this problem, we now offer Springer Nature Research Round-Ups which are Literature Reviews generated through a Human-Machine Collaboration.
Powered by artificial intelligence our solution provides authors with a comprehensive selection of highly relevant literature reviews.
Are you interested in receiving a Springer Nature Research Round-Up for your research or to enrich your manuscript? We can do both!
We are more than happy to create a SN Research Round-Up as a service to you.
How it works: We´d first ask you to give us some information about your subject area, research topic, and focus. Then, based on your provided information, a team of subject matter experts will start creating the SN Research Round-Ups for you. Please reach out to Dr. Janina Krieger (janina.krieger@springer.com) to start the process.
Are you interested in publishing a machine-generated book with us and working with our artificial intelligence yourself? Or are you already in touch with an in-house editor about a potential publication and you would like to include machine-generated content? We are more than happy to support you!
Please reach out to Dr. Janina Krieger (janina.krieger@springer.com) so she can guide you through the process of generating AI-content and adding it to your manuscript.
Please see some examples of our latest machine-generated books here. By clicking on the cover you will be linked to their product page.

“The Machine Generated Book provides a rich and critical literature survey of the elite articles published in Springer. The book chapters and associated contents generated using the keywords suggested by the experts provide an edge to the content. The book may serve as a ready source of reference to the aspiring researchers as it contains rationale, background, similarities, dissimilarities, comparisons and significance of the relevant literature reviewed. In the wake of uncertainty and apprehension about the growing use of AI and ML, I believe the approach of generating such rich literature may certainly provide an optimistic and holistic direction to the scientific community.” - Dr. Anand Kulkarni
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